Words similarity

  • viscous - vicious
  • restive - restful
  • effect - affect
  • compass - compress
  • indigenous - indigent
  • ingenuous (and disingenuous) - ingenious (ingenuity)
  • infer - imply
  • insensible - insensitive
  • elusive - effusive
  • corroborate - collaborate
  • endemic - epidemic
  • dissemble - disassemble
  • diffident - different (difference)
  • deference - deprecate (deprecation) - depreciate (depreciation)
  • fission - division into two or more parts: Nuclear fission is the principle behind nuclear weapons.
    fusion - joining of two or more entities into one, such as in nuclear fusion (the joining of atomic nuclei) or fusion jazz (jazz that joins elements from various musical traditions): They are attempting to harness the energy produced by nuclear fusion
  • extant - in existence; used especially to refer to the last surviving examples of something passing out of existence, such as an antique book or a nearly extinct species
    extent - length or amount: The extent of corruption in the bureaucracy was well known.
  • incredulous (credulous) - disbelieving, very doubtful incredible (credible) - difficult to believe
  • emulate - to pattern one's behavior (on a respected role model) imitate - to copy
  • descry - to make open or plain, by saying decry - to condemn
  • engender - to bring into being endanger - to put at risk
  • ambiguous - vague; capable of various interpretations
    ambivalent - being of two minds; holding conflicting feelings or attitudes
  • discomfort (n) - the lack of ease or comfort
  • flaunt - to display brazenly or pretentiously
    flout - to show an obvious disregard or disrespect for; to treat contemptuously
  • lied - the past tense of lie, as in "He lied about his age to get into the Army."
    lied - (pronounced leed) a song; a type German of song, meant to be sung, as opposed to a purely instrumental tune (since this is actually a German word, the plural is lieder, not lieds)